Honey, it's time to leave the grind to the coffee beans!
Bleeding Heart business owners like yourself bust your hide to make the world a joyful place. That kind of purpose needs rest! You can't get that til you give yourself a break --- that's where we come in!
You deserve a friggin' break. Full stop. You work so hard. You care even harder. You give grace to everyone except...drum roll please... yourself.
It's time to learn how to take a break with the
💖Gimme a Break Masterclass & Mastermind 💖
We know that you don't have a lot of time or energy so we make it simple to access the masterclass and mastermind. There aren't pages of reading or assignments you need to do. It's all done together. Here's our thoughtful approach to Gimme A Break:
Rest resistance got you down? Let's figure out what kind of rest you need to focus on, how much you have available to you, and how much you really need.
Guided Support
The bulk of our time together. Each week we explore one of the 7 kinds of rest as researched by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith in a group coaching session and a group recess. Recess is the time we practice that rest.
Share with like-minded folks in need of a new way to work and live. Our workshops feature discussion questions and open connection time once we're done!
Learning to take a break can make you feel uneasy and unprepared. These features in both the masterclass and the mastermind help you fight against that.
Digestible Videos
Don't have time to watch the masterclass in one sitting? Each video is indexed and under 15 minutes. Skip around or watch in order.
Detailed Demonstrations
Walk-throughs of strategies and tools
Bonus Tools & Guides
Editable templates, guides, and tools to assist you with our strategies
Live Sessions
Monthly mastermind workshops where everything is completed in that time
Replays available in Mastermind Archive
Honor what you said you'd do for yourself with a coach and community to support you.
Burnout should apply to bad BBQ, not you. What would life look like if you started giving yourself more breaks and less grief?
In the mastermind we connect and share what's on our hearts in a structured format for discussion or demonstration of a new technique.
Get Connected
Learning how to give yourself a break shouldn't happen in isolation. Let it happen with other bleeding heart business owners!
Learn Without Overwhelm
If you don't want a bunch of homework and assignments to do outside of the calls, this was developed just for you! Our one monthly workshop gives you the time to actually work on or discuss things with the group.
Part One focuses on your daily breaks.
Get Relief from Overwork
Learn how to stop letting work bleed into your personal time with our focus on daily breaks. These "speed bumps" help you stay focused and also stay realistic about what time you actually have to work.
Get Your Inspiration Back
Focus and passion been MIA? Often, when we make our whole life work, we forget to have an actual life. The techniques taught for daily breaks will help you feel reinspired and passionate about your work again because of a radical shift in your boundaries, how you relate to the time you have, and your personal capacity.
Part II is all about building, protecting, and preparing for longer breaks in your work year.
Feel Refreshed
Shifting to a proactive mindset about your breaks isn't a small feat. Thankfully, with our templates, strategies, and instruction you'll be able to make that transition easefully.
Get Your Life Back
Planning bigger breaks gives you freedom from the tired narrative of the daily grind. With dedicated time to actually be away from work and OFF, you can build the space for you to get curious about life. With planned breaks and the support to protect them, you'll feel like your life is actually yours to live.
Ready to feel refreshed, reconnected, and refocused?
Grab your spot now.
Each month, we'll delve into a related topic.
Our workshops are split into targeted instruction and either demonstration or discussion. You don't need to prepare for anything. Any materials required will be provided to you ahead of time. Can't make it? Access all of the replays in the workshop archive.
Below is a preview of our first six workshops!
Customize Your OOO Responders
Working from the Gimme A Break OOO templates, we'll work together to build customize out of office responders you can use the whole year. We'll also discuss best practices, tips on how to use them, and how your responder can encourage others to take a break too!
The Shitlist Checklist
It's impossible to not have our mental health impact our work. Do you know when it's time to take a break from your work to focus on clearing your mind? This ultimate list of prompts to ask yourself aka The Gimme a Break Shitlist, will help you determine if you need to focus more on lifelines than deadlines.
Save the Date for Your Vacation
There's no bigger way to commit to taking time off, than to tell everyone you're doing it! In this workshop we'll customize the Gimme A Break Save the Dates, so you can tell coworkers, friends, and partners when you're taking a personal vacation. We'll also lock in dates and practice accountability to make sure we take our time off!
How to Prepare for a Sabbatical
Get the down and dirty on how to prepare yourself to take at least a month or more off away from work. Using the Gimme A Break Sabbatical Calculator, we'll figure out how much money you need to save and set a soft date for you.
Build Your "Start of Day" Work Routine
The biggest mistake we make when it comes to working is not having a way to ease into. In this workshop we'll define the method to building your own routine to start your work day!
Build Your "End of Day" Work Routine
The second biggest mistake we make when it comes to working is not honoring when that work should end. We don't define a stopping point or process and end up spending personal time on our work. Unchecked overtime you can easily burn the hell out. Learn the method to build your own end of day routine so you never miss dinner again!
Jordan Maney
The Radical Joy Coach™
Have you ever forgot to shut down your laptop? You just close it for weeks and months and suddenly wonder why it's not functioning like it used to? 👀
That was me in 2018. The brain fog, the apathy towards my work, and the inability to give back in a meaningful way sent me reeling. I realized quickly that I was burnt the hell out.
I denied it for a long time...and it almost killed me. Humans are not machines. We need a lot more rest than our devices. That's why I built Gimme a Break. It's the first step many business owners need to learn how to rest.
With a structured process, a coach who isn't afraid to get into the thick of it with you, and a lot of corny jokes, we make magic happen within the masterclass and mastermind! Join us!
Jordan's gentle guidance and insight, especially during our coaching calls, has helped me gain clarity on the external and self-imposed challenges to prioritizing REST in my life. All while defining what that practice looks like and shifting my mindset in order to create and maintain healthy boundaries. This work feels significant, like a revolutionary step towards ancestral healing!
Here's what some of our clients gained from working with us:
I worked with Jordan to recalibrate how I viewed my relationship with rest and productivity. I was able to free up time, mental space, and self imposed guilt to prioritize rest without feeling less productive!
I got the clarity to begin to understand why I wasn't resting when I was trying to and I got concrete tips to build a plan that allowed me to move towards actually getting rest!
I was on the precipice of stepping away from this business I created because I was so unhappy and stressed. I ended the year feeling entitled to take rest & have much space for the people and things that were important to me.
Recess begins July 25, 2022 and runs until September 16, 2022.
* RestFull Day bonus is a personalized and curated day of restivities scheduled based on your location.
Masterclass & Mastermind
Three Months Mastermind Access
*Mastermind renews at $333/mo. after three months*
Founder's Pass
One Time Payment
10 spots available
*Reservations made in your name. Cost of restivities up to client.
Get on the list so you'll be the first to know when Gimme A Break is available!
Have questions about Gimme a Break? Find answers here!
I'm charging to learn from and work with me. My Rest 101 class is free because rest is a right and should be available to all.
Rest and play are innately tied to our energy. With more time to rest and play we can show up in our partnerships, businesses, hobbies, friendships, and more with the clarity and energy they deserve.
Reach out to us at hello@jordanmaney.com and we'll see if we can find payment terms that work for you. If not, subscribe to our email list, the Rest Stop for rest related help. We also host free webinars and events like Bleeding Heart Break inside our online community.
If you don't enjoy the group format but want to work on your rest, consider our Rest Lab offer or private coaching. Rest Labs are 90 minute coaching sessions to help you build a personal rest practice and identify your blocks. You can schedule yours here.
Private coaching is a bundle of at least four sessions for a two-month commitment to dive even deeper than that. Email us at hello@jordanmaney.com with subject line " 1:1 Coaching" and we'll get in touch!
Your welcome email will have a link to a password protected membership portal where you can access things like the masterclass, links for live workshops, replays of our old workshops, bonus worksheets, and more!
This is a virtual coaching program, meaning that the masterclass and workshops are all accessible remotely. There are plans for in-person events in the future but for now this is the most accessible option for a range of people in different time zones, locations, abilities.